Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Printable-Clean Eater's Grocery List

Click here for printable.

I made this printable as a guide to help when grocery shopping for clean food ideas. I hope it helps with the basics, this is not all, there are so many clean healthy foods you can buy! Just click on the picture and it will take you to the download page at Google Docs.

What other printables would you like to see?

Friday, June 6, 2014

What is a Challenge Group?

What is a Challenge Group?

A challenge group is a closed, private Facebook group with a max of 5-10 people who share common goals to lose weight and/or get in shape. This group is used as accountability and motivation to help you succeed and meet your goals. These challenge groups will have daily motivation and check-ins with what you are eating and how you are moving in order to reach your goals. There will also be meal plan ideas, recipes, daily challenges, and even a few prizes.